LB Contractors Ltd Logo

Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 11-07-2024

We are committed to protecting Your privacy. This Privacy Policy describes how We collect, use, store, share and protect the information collected through (the “Website”). In this Privacy Policy, "We", "Us", and "Our" refer to LB contractors ltd. For more information about Us, see “Our Details” at the end of this Policy.

This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and subject to Our Terms and Conditions. Capitalised words used but not defined in this Privacy Policy have the meaning given to them in the Terms and Conditions.

Please be advised that the practices described in this Privacy Policy apply only to information gathered online through the Website. This Privacy Policy applies where We are acting as a data controller with respect to the Personal Data of visitors, users, clients and customers (“You,” or “Your”); in other words, where We determine the purposes and means of the processing of that Personal Data.

PLEASE READ THIS PRIVACY POLICY CAREFULLY because it affects Your rights under the law. You confirm that You have read and agreed to be bound by this Privacy Policy. If You do not agree with this Privacy Policy, You cannot use, access, create or publish in the Website. This Privacy Policy may change as We continuously improve the Website, so please check it periodically.

We reserve the right to modify or amend the Privacy Policy from time to time without notice. Your continued use of the Website following the posting of changes to these terms will mean You accept those changes. If We intend to apply the modifications or amendments to this Privacy Policy retroactively or to Personal Data already in Our possession, We will provide You with notice of the modifications or amendments.

1 Data Security

We use HTTPS

HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is an internet communication protocol that protects the integrity and confidentiality of data between your computer and The use of HTTPS makes sure your communication with us is:

Encrypted — The data you exchange with us is secure from eavesdroppers. That means that when you are browsing, nobody can track your activities across multiple pages, or steal the data exchange between your computer and

Integral — The use of HTTPS preserves the integrity of data. Your data cannot be modified or corrupted during transfer.

Authenticated — HTTPS protocol authenticates your communication with us. This ensures that you are always communicating with our servers.

However, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. We cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information You transmit to Us or store on the Website, and You do so at Your own risk. We also cannot guarantee that such information may not be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed by breach of any of Our physical, technical, or managerial safeguards. If You believe Your Personal Data has been compromised, please contact Us at

If We learn of a security systems breach, then We attempt to notify You electronically so that You can take appropriate protective steps. We may post a notice through the Website if a security breach occurs.

2 No Personal Data From Children

We do not knowingly collect Personal Data from children under 13 years of age in the USA or 16 years of age in the European Union. The Website is not directed to children under the age of 13 in the USA or 16 in the European Union. We will not knowingly allow children under 13 in the USA or 16 in the European Union to register for or become users of the Website.

If You are under 13 in the USA or 16 in the European Union years of age, You should not provide Personal Data to Us.

If We discover that a child under the age of 13 in the USA or 16 in the European Union has provided Us with Personal Data and We do not have parental consent, We will immediately delete that child’s information.

3 Cookie Policy

A cookie is a file containing an identifier (a string of letters and numbers) that is sent by a web server to a web browser and is stored by the browser. The identifier is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server.

Cookies may be either "persistent" cookies or "session" cookies: a persistent cookie will be stored by a web browser and will remain valid until its set expiry date, unless deleted by the user before the expiry date; a session cookie, on the other hand, will expire at the end of the user session, when the web browser is closed.

Cookies do not typically contain any information that personally identifies a user, but Personal Data that We store about You may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from cookies.

3.1 Cookie We Use

Session Cookies

These are temporary cookies that contain no expiration date and  are deleted after the users browser is closed. You will be required to log in again at the next session, where you will be treated as a new user

Session cookies examples: Shopping cart, remembering previous actions, managing and passing security tokens, multimedia content player session cookies, load balancing session cookies and third party social content plug in sharing cookies

Persistent Cookies

These are cookies which are saved in your browser until they are deleted by the you or are deleted by your browser after they reach their expiration date.

Persistent cookies examples: Authentication, language selection, theme selection, favourites, internal site bookmarks, menu preferences, address and payment information.

Functionality Cookies

Functionality cookies allow us to remember choices that have been made by you in order to create an experience that’s made to fit. These cookies safely store authentication and identification information, for example your language selection or region.

Performance Cookies

Performance cookies allow us to collect information, such as the most used pages or error messages, in order to understand how you use our website and enable us to create a better user experience. All information collected by performance cookies in anonymous.

3.2 Purpose Of Using Cookies

Authentication - We use cookies to identify You when You visit Our Website and as You navigate Our Website;

Status - We use cookies to help Us determine if You are logged into Our Website;

Personalisation - We use cookies to store information about Your preferences and to personalise the Website for You;

Security - We use cookies as an element of the security measures used to protect user accounts, including preventing fraudulent use of login credentials, and to protect Our Website and Services generally;

Analysis - We use cookies to help Us to analyse the use and performance of Our Website and Services;

Cookie Consent - We use cookies to store Your preferences in relation to the use of cookies more generally.

3.3 Cookies Used by Our Service Providers

Our service providers use cookies and those cookies may be stored on Your computer when You visit Our Website.

Google Analytics. We use Google Analytics to analyse the use of Our Website. Google Analytics gathers information about Website use by means of cookies. The information gathered relating to Our Website is used to create reports about the use of Our Website. Google's privacy policy is available at:

3.4 Managing Cookies

You can disable cookie tracking and learn more about the privacy policies of the third parties We use by visiting the following links:

Third Party Opt Out Page Privacy Policy
Google Analytics Opt Out Privacy Policy

The Website may contain links to other sites operated by Our affiliates or third parties. Please be advised that the practices described in this Privacy Policy do not apply to information gathered through these other sites. We are not responsible for the actions and privacy policies of third parties and other sites.

5 Our Details

If you have questions or concerns regarding this policy or if you need to make a request please contact us at:
